Friday, April 23, 2010

Why Yes, I Actually Do Have A Garden.

Alright. I'm getting a bit of ribbing from a few of you who don't think I ever get dirt on my hands. So to set the record straght, here are a few pictures of our garden on Earth Day.

My Flower Child

Deciduous Azaleas Blooming Nicely On Year Two

Mache In Bloom

Overwintering Torpedo Onions

If You Plant Arugula, You Will Always Have Arugula

Overwintering Leeks - Blue Solaize

About 20 Varieties of Garlic, Dutch Yellow Shallots and French Grey Shallots

The Mother of All Sage Plants

Perennial Border and Beneficial Insect Buffet

Anyone Need Some Rosemary

Belgian Fence Espalier Apples Coming Along Nicely

More Belgian Fence

More Deciduous Azalea

Oh Yeah...We're Gonna Have Some Serious Blueberries This Year

The Nine Pin Alley

Yes Dear...Momma and I Found You Under the Rhubarb Leaves

We Can Grow Lemons Here

Tomatoes Heading Out to the Hoops Very Soon

Eggplants and Six Varieties of Paprika Pepper

Chi-lies! Chil-lies! Chi-lies!

We Can Grow Kumquats Too

I Knew I should Have Planted the Squashes Later
So there you have it. I didn't get a shot of the radishes, lettuce, carrots and beets already coming up in the hoop, but I promise one soon. Happy gardening!


  1. While I wasn't one of the few (many?) who suggested you don't get your hands dirty, it's nice to see the evidence that you do! : D Thanks for sharing the pics of your garden and your lovely daughter.

    ~ Ronda

  2. Too funny, Ronda! There was absolutely no seriousness in the accusations made by my accusers, but I thought I'd humor them nonetheless. Hope things are good @ Greener Pastures. Are you guys ever going to do another butchering class?

  3. Quite a setup you have going. I hope mine looks that good in a couple years, but I am just starting out. I wondered, do you know anyone who has successfully used the 'three sisters' method of planting corn, squash, and pole beans together? I am thinking of trying a patch like that, but I am wondering if it will work in the NW because of our short season.

  4. Stef,

    We used to plant Three Sisters patches back at our place in PDX. It was always difficult to justify giving up precious space to crops that fell in the "unpredictable results" category due to our fickle Pacific NW weather. If you try this in our locale, I recommend going with corn varieties like Stowell's Evergreen or Ira Hooker's Sweet and stick with smaller varities of winter squashes like Ponca, Potimarron, Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato, or Baby Blue Hubbard...or maybe just stick with the vigorous summer squashes. I have some seeds from an interesting zucchini ascension being grown by the Long Island Seed Project if you'd like to try some. I have some smaller winter squashes too, but you'd need to get those going ASAP to see good results.
